I Bet Somebody Cares

All sorts of small tidbits about Student Ministry, Life, and Pizza Hut.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

The last few months...

I know I haven't blogged in a LONG time, so I thought I figured for anyone stopping by here, I would cathc them up on a few things going on in the church...

1. (AUGUST) After our worship pastor resigned, I have been taking over those duties of leading the worship on Sunday mornings (In addition to the student ministry as usual) I have enjoyed this, although it does add quite a bit more to my plate.

2. (OCTOBER) We have a new Vision plan for the church that we launched in October. It doesn't seem new anymore, but there was a lot involved in pulling off this entire series. The new vision is that we want every Lakesider to "Live for God, Love Others, and Reach The World." It is basically taken straight from the Great Comandment (Love God and Love Others...) and the Great Commission (Go into all the world...) and helps us organize and fulfill our purpose as a church. We think the people REALLY have grabbed onto this as something they can take part in!

3. (DECEMBER) Christmas season is always busy. Especially leading worship, but we had a great Christmas program last December

4. (MARCH) Starting March 2nd our church has done the craziest thing since I have been here (almost 6 years!) We leased out our building to a smaller african american apostolic church (just very different from us) and begun leasing on a long term basis a local high school. We have moved from a 300 seat auditorium, 75 cap childrens space, 99 parking space facility to a 1500 seat auditorium, almost unlimited children's space, and close to 500 parking space facility. This is the next step in our BELIEVE campaign, for building a new building. I imagine we will be in this new facility for quite some time (probably as long as our people and the school will let us!)

And now it is Easter. So my plan is to get back to blogging...yeah right, see you next September!


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