I Bet Somebody Cares

All sorts of small tidbits about Student Ministry, Life, and Pizza Hut.

Friday, March 30, 2007

TV Pet Peeve...

Ok, not that my life has been totally consumed with TV lately, but I just had to share one of my biggest pet peeves of TV shows (and movies for that matter).

You know the "Next week on [fill in TV show name]" at the end of each show? I HATE when they give away major plotlines just in the quick flashes of previews. A good example of this was a few weeks ago on lost. They said "Three of Lost's biggest secrets will be revealed." When it came time for the show, I already knoew some of the "secrets" becasue they showed them in the trailer--and they weren't even that important secrets! Ugh.

Anyway, I just have to watch TV with one eye shut now.

Monday, March 26, 2007

2 New Addictions...

I have become addicted to 2 things, almost simultaneously...

1. "24" After 5 years, and almost ignoring this phenomenom, I have now been immersed in "24." I started watching season 6 and enjoyed the first 3 episode. Discussing this with some friends, I found out they owned the boxed DVD sets of all past seasons, so thus was born my second addiction.

2. Watching TV shows on DVD. I mean how can this not be the most awesome thing ever--No Commercials! (I have TiVo, but you still have to fast forward...not here!) No waiting for the next week to pass so you can see the next episode, and No time constrictions, I get to watch when I want!

I am addicted.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

I realized...

That I have not posted something new in a long time. What a way to lose readers!

Anyway, I am still here but I just never think to post on the blog...Maybe I'll get better soon.