I Bet Somebody Cares

All sorts of small tidbits about Student Ministry, Life, and Pizza Hut.

Friday, April 25, 2008

MediaShout or ProPresenter

First, if you don't know what those two things are, stop reading and go play atari or something...They are church presentation software packages.

My MediaShout Journey
So for about 5 years (wow!) we have been using MS. We started with 2.0, then 2.5, then bought the v3 upgrade, now run 3.5.5. Lots of upgrades over the years, and we have developed a few volunteers who run the program Sunday mornings. These volunteers are not MS experts, although they know and are comfortable with the program. HOWEVER, there have been many times that I wished MS would perform better, run .mov files, and simply be more reliable.

Then things changed...
About 6 moths ago, with the intentions of church growth, quality development, and becoming a portable church, we upgraded our 1.8 Ghz tower PC to a 2.4 Ghz Macbook Pro. 

Our setup now
So currently we run MediaShout using bootcamp on the mac and running winXP.  Things are fine, but I want to take the leap to propresenter and just use the Mac. However, I know my volunteers will require a whole bunch new training and might not feel initially comfortable with a mac.

I am sure we will make the change soon, but as of now, I am setting up both Media Shout and ProPresenter so I can get used to the latter.  Nothing like some extra work!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Swing Set 1 : Me 0

I spent the better half of this morning setting up my son's new swing set, about 3 hours to be exact. However, currently it only has 1 swing that is working. The slide is almost up, but I can't get the screws to fit in right. Then I tried hanging the glider and the pole was bent.

This swing set is making me frustrated...and Colin too!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Some ministry thoughts...

I've been trying to post some blogs, but every time I think of something to write about that has any significance, I post it to www.pdymblog.com instead.

Thats ok, because no one reads this and I am sure at least a hundred or so people read PBYMblog...

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Recap from the All Nighter...

So here are a few things about this last All Nighter...
  • The speaker never showed up, so my buddy Tom Gibson spoke and he did an awesome job!
  • We had a guest to regular ratio of 2:1. How awesome is that!
  • I like playing whirly ball, but after getting hit from behind so much, my neck is STILL out of whack!
  • I am not as young as I once was!

Friday, April 04, 2008


Yep its that time of year. Tonight is our Overnighter. We will be going to a place called Maxx Play which has Whirly Ball, BBall, Hockey, Inflatables, and the big seller, Indoor Paintball!

In Case You haven't seen it yet, here's an awesome video to get me prepared!

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Fantasy Baseball

fantasy Baseball has started once again this year. I play with a bunch of College students from the church and it is tough...Trying to find time EVERY DAY to set my lineup! But at least it is something not related to ministry that I can spend some time doing and have fun!

My Team name, SomeCallMeKenny. Not too brilliant, but its true.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Sweet Resources!

I use a lot of cool resources (some free and some that cost some money, but are worth using) and so just to help others out there, I thought I'd spotlight a resource once in a while that I use.

Fresh on my mind is EventWax. It is a great way to create an Online Signup for retreats, events, and more. Students can even pay with a credit card for events and such through a nice Paypal connection...It is easy to setup, pretty versatile, and most importantly, FREE! So instead of recreating something for students to register, I just use this little site! Try it out...
