I Bet Somebody Cares

All sorts of small tidbits about Student Ministry, Life, and Pizza Hut.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

The Gathering Part 1

It is the eve of Night 1 of the Gathering. I thought first I would explain why I am here, and then tell you a bit about my experience.

What is the Gathering? Good question. Basically Doug Fields, A Youth pastor from Saddleback Church, one of the leading churches in the world, hosts a "gathering" of about 30 youth pastors from around the country. It is all based on Purpose Driven Youth Ministry, a model and Biblical basis of how to run a youth ministry.

Why am I here? Another good question. When I find out, I'll tell you. Basically I feel like a small fish playing with the Big Dogs (Did I mess up that expression?) These youth pastors are basically the best of the best in the country, so how did I get here again?

What am I doing? Well tonight we kicked it off by going to Doug's home for dinner and meet and greet. Now picture this-Your hero or favorite sports star or actor invotes you to his or her house. That is how I felt. Even though Doug Fields may not be a name you recognize, He is like a mentor to me--like a celebrity, so it was pretty overwhelming to eat in his house, talk with him, and to just be in this environment. I am pretty excited!

More tommorw, but they don't tell us much of anything of the agenda!


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