I Bet Somebody Cares

All sorts of small tidbits about Student Ministry, Life, and Pizza Hut.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

The Gathering Part Duex

What a great morning and afternoon!

We drove out to Saddleback and began our time together by identifying our passion for being part of the PDYM Community. Doug highlighted 5 c's (which he admitted he made up minutes before initially speaking on them--He must be a youth pastor!)

Commitment to the 5 Purposes
Connection with other Youth Workers
"Check us out" Attitude (not out of pride but out of example)
Creation of PD Resources
Communicate PDYM Locally and Globally - one of my passions!

Following this time and after lunch, we learned from Greg Stier from Dare2Share - a ministry focused on helping Student Ministries implement an Evangelism Strategy. He was great as a speaker, but even better as a communicator of his Heart. I now have an even stronger sense of urgency to bring this into the Flood

Now I prepare for an evening at Downtown Disney and ESPNZone for dinner. AWESOME!


At 12:48 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

good times, disney, survivor, amazing evangelism strategy. did you try out my swim trunks? did you get an earlier flight? or did you have a romantic time there?

At 1:39 PM, Blogger Ken Leslie said...

I did catch an eraly flight, so no romance! - good times, good times.


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